EVENT POSTPONED: NEW DATE TO BE CONFIRMED Carbon Reduction in the Pipeline Industry - A Holistic View

Carbon Reduction in the Pipeline Industry - A Holistic View The relentless increase in global CO2 emissions from human activities is affecting climate change which, in all likelihood, will irreversibly worsen the environment that we take for granted. Hear the industry experts and take part in an interactive workshop to develop an action plan to reduce the pipeline industries carbon contribution – now and in the future.

Join us for an interactive workshop and seminar exploring how we can achieve meaningful carbon reduction in the pipeline industry.


Following on from the successful ‘Why Build in Leakage’ workshop last year we are planning to hold a similar styled event this year to promote carbon reduction in the pipeline industry. The overriding aim is to stimulate lasting change and for everyone attending to think and act differently about the effect their actions have on the environment and climate change and to influence others to do the same.


The workshop will hear from industry experts and key stakeholders on carbon reduction.  Attendees will then be invited to workshop the issues and solutions coming back together to agree which initiatives and projects should be taken forward and what blockers need to be removed to achieve meaningful and sustainable carbon reduction in the pipeline industry.


The agenda will include speakers from across the pipeline industry including:

  • Martin Cook – Head of Business Development, National Grid Ventures
  • David Riley - Head of Carbon Neutrality, Anglian Water
  • Lara Young Group Carbon Manager, Costain  
  • Additional speakers will include designers, industry regulators and the supply chain


This will be followed by working groups on how we can make a difference, where delegates will discuss actions and develop personnel pledges to carry forward


TWI Ltd. will provide a tour of their laboratories and workshops afterwards including a demonstration of their NDT technology for testing of PE pipe joints.


A White Paper will be produced recording the findings and recommendations of the workshop which will detail the next steps required.

When: 23rd June 2020

Where: The Welding Institute

Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge




Please enquire for Sponsorship opportunities


June 23rd, 2020 from 10:00 AM to  4:03 PM
The Welding Institute , TWI LTD
Granta Park
Great Abington, Cambridgeshire CB21 6AL
United Kingdom
Event Fee(s)
Members - Including VAT £66.00
Non-Members - Including VAT £102.00