WEBINAR: Family Scavenger Hunt

 Registration is closed for this event
Get your kids involved in your working day in this scavenger hunt for all the family (or set them off on it whilst you supervise from your chair and take a well earnt 30 minute break)….


PLEASE NOTE: When you register for ANY webinar please copy the link from the "Thank you" screen

We know it’s tough for everyone at the moment, but for children it’s particularly challenging – no school and structure, haven’t seen their friends for weeks, home schooling not what it was at the start, parents working, the dog isn’t as excited to see them as it was 6 weeks ago…. So we’re hoping to help a little bit by providing some webinars for children to support you in your remote working life.


The first is a scavenger hunt – don’t worry, all inside and shouldn’t cause too much chaos. We’ll be asking families to find items in their homes that spell out a word we give them and share their hauls on the call. AND we’ll include tidying up as part of the challenge.  See the example below. It’s aimed at children aged 5-9 ish, but by all means give it a go with older or younger children.


Whilst we will be encouraging families to use their video, this call will not be recorded and we ask that photographs of screens are not taken for GDPR reasons. We will provide an email for adults to send in photos of their hauls for PIG to share after the event.


What do you need?

  • Children (Although quite frankly adults are also welcome to participate)
  • A few sheets of paper
  • A chunky felt tip
  • An imagination (can be provided by children)


Hope to see you all there!

May 21st, 2020 from 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM